Deep Fake: The World’s Largest AI Art Exhibition

Grateful to have participated in Deep Fake: The World’s Largest AI Art Exhibition at Superchief Gallery in Los Angeles, CA with MAIF.

“Aura” on Foundation

Aura is a digital altar born from a deep reverence for nature, the magic that exists within all of us, and the power of art to drive transformation.

This piece is an altar for me, the friends/lovers that inspired it, and you. A reminder of the transformative power of art to change personal and collective narratives. Through the use of organic forms and ethereal imagery, I aim to remind others to see themselves and others as their most magical selves. Who would you be if the obstacles that hold you back were removed? How does that feel?

In creating Aura, I was inspired by the idea that our stories have the power to shape our reality. Our beliefs, values, and experiences all play a role in shaping the world we see and the way we behave. What stories are we telling and how can we create new stories to bring us abundance and create a more connected world?

By creating this digital altar, I aim to encourage viewers to reflect on their own narratives and to question the stories they have been told. How can we use new art mediums to create a more magical world and tap into the infinite potential that exists within?

This AI-collaborative artwork was inspired by my 15+ year archive of traditional portrait/nature photography, painting, and collage work.

Article on NFT NOW

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